Monday, May 4, 2009

Advocacy Project: Clean Water Activity

I Want my Water Clean, Cheap, and Tastin' Good!!

This is your opportunity to learn a little bit about the cost of waters infrastructure in the United States of America.
I put together a little quiz for you just so you would look through the following web-sites to find the answers.

This is such an interesting topic since it relates to each and everyone of us at some level.

The information comes from these two websites:
EPA.GOV Safewater
EPA.GOV Needs Factsheet
Another site that is interesting reading is:
CDC.GOV The Value of Tap Water

Have fun with the the test. Thank you very much and stay thirsty.

Looking for more water games to play Check out Thirstin and try playing his games.

Know Your Drinking Water!!
1) The total nationwide infrastructure need is $334.8 billion for the 20-year period from Jan.'07 through Dec. 2027 what community will need the biggest chunk?

Large Community Water Systems (serving over 50,000 people)

Medium Community Water Systems (serving 3,301 to 50,000 people)

Small Community Water Systems (serving 3,300 and fewer people)

Not-for-profit Noncommunity Water Systems

Enjoy the last week of classes, and stay hydrated, you'll think clearer!!

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  1. Derek-

    Fun test... I only got 60% though.. and seems Kristi got 100%. I'm guessing she was there when you did it, or she just really knows her water facts!

  2. I only got 60% too, it was a tough one but that is good that you challenged us to get informed on your topic. I was happy to have taken the test. Good source was nice addition.

  3. Derek- I got an 80 on your was a toughy. There was a lot of really good information-good idea! (ps I definitely commented for this post on the reflections..woopsies)


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