Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Advocacy Project: Letter to Public Official

Congressman Jim Oberstar
Washington, D.C. Office

2365 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
(202) 225-6211 Office

Dear Congressman Oberstar,

I am writing to you about the issue of Water Infrastructure and why it might be a good thing to take action on sooner than later. I am pleased to see that the bill H.R. 537: Sustainable Water Infrastructure Investment Act of 2009 was Introduced in House To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.

This issue would bring water and wastewater projects out from under the state volume cap on private activity bonds, and thereby significantly expand the availability of low-cost financing for water infrastructure projects. These projects most benefit the people within the community as they will have cleaner safer more efficient water resources. The other benefactor of this issue would be all the work that would be contracted out to complete such projects.

Congressman Oberstar, no matter how we slice it, all people have to have clean drinking water, so if we maintain and upgrade what we have now in way of infrastructure, it may save us money in the long run. On the other hand, not doing anything will result in perhaps having to find an alternate way to get our water for drinking and cooking and cleaning and etc.... Can you imagine having to buy bottled water that has been filtered not for taste but just for safety, then turning around and using your recently purchased bottled water to cook noodles for spaghetti, because we can't use water from our tap.

These are some of the critical issues facing urban and rural water systems, which includes much of northern Minnesota and all the people living here.
-Many drinking water and wastewater systems were built 100 years ago and are nearing the end of their useful life.
-There is a large dollar gap (in billions) between needs and spending at national or local levels.
-Our population increases add to the burden on existing water systems. The Census Bureau projects that the U.S. population will reach 450 million by 2050, currently the USA has a population of 306 million.

From the list of funding requests Congressman Oberstar is making on behalf of his constituents in FY 2010 is the project called Central Iron Range Sanitary Sewer District, MN. This project was given the amount of $4,000,000. The project will provide a cost-effective regional wastewater treatment solution in and around the cities of Buhl, Kinney, and Chisholm. Will benefit the area’s environment and natural resources through pollution prevention, safeguard the public health, and meet the mandated requirements of the Lake Superior Drainage Basin.

I am hoping for your support when the bill H.R. 537: Sustainable Water Infrastructure Investment Act of 2009 comes to vote. This is the prudent action to take in maintaining and progressing the infrastructure that is vital for not only small communities in Minnesota but for our whole country.

If there is anything that I can do to help you in this cause please let me know. I can be reached at the address below.

Thanks for your time,

777 Lovin' Life Blvd.
Bestown, MN


  1. Hey Derek-
    The letter sounds good. You make some really good points, and brought up some good issues. It's scary to think we may have to buy water in bottles and use it to cook, clean, drink, etc.

  2. Lots of good information and content. I like how you address him directly in the middle of the letter. It draws the readers attention!

  3. Derek,

    Well you have a lot of great examples to back up your reasons why Senator Oberstar should support your bill. Using the census bearu statistics of population growth, and showing how local Minnesota governmnet is doing some important satitation updates. This is a great start to getting the bill approved by congress.

  4. Derek-

    This letter looks really good!! I also think it makes it more personal when you use his name throughout the letter. You back yourself up with lots of great information, just listing issues looks great! Bill passed ;) ha


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