Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Share & Voice: Recycling in Switzerland

-Yellow in Back--Clothes Recyling

-Brown Bin on Right side--Different types of Paper

-Blue in Front--Plastic Bottles Luft=Air -as in take air out of bottles and caps on.

-Small Gray on Left--Batteries

The Swiss attach a lot of importance to recycling. Citizens are encouraged to recycle as much as possible. In many cantons (counties) households pay according to the how much garbage they put out for the garbage man to collect. You have to use specific garbage bags for your particular city, and of course you have to pay for these bags.(there not cheap) This acts as an incentive to recycle anything that isn't garbage. With many plastic bottles you can get money (.25 to 1.15 SFr) back for bringing them into the special recycling machine, usually located in the grocery store.

I have to say that the Swiss are very particular about just about everything and this includes there garbage and recycling. I have been reprimanded on a few occasions for not doing things correctly. Theres a saying in Switzerland which says,"there is a little police officer in every Swiss person." I can attest to this, of course nothing serious.

Impressive Numbers: The Swiss are champion recyclers. In 2003, 47% of all urban waste was recycled - a new Swiss record. They recycled 70% of paper (which all have to be tied up with twine before it can be put out), 95% of glass (which has to be driven to a local center then separated by color, 71% of plastic bottles (which have to be squished down), 85-90% of aluminum cans and 75% of tin cans(which all have to be brought to the recycling center and put through a medal squishing machine).

It was a great experience living there but the recycling seems to be a little over the top when you're spending an hour every couple weeks flattening cardboard then tying it up with twine. Then when I see how much of there recyclables get recycled it seems worth it. Just thought ya'll might like personal insight on how other people recycle.

Above: Can Crusher
:Garbage Bags


  1. This is really cool, thanks for the personal story and information...makes me think of how little we do as a society!

  2. That is such a cool post! I think that would be amazing if we took some of those tips into play. Great job!

  3. Very cool, I wish we had recycling like that here in the US, there's no reason it can't be like that! Good Post, Derek=)


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