Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Share and Voice: Rising Temps

This beautiful picture got me thinking why is there not snow in Johnstown, PA. That's not normal, especially the fact that they also have close to 60 degree temps. So I did a google search on rising temperatures. I then just
went from website to website to see what the jist was. Here's my sequence: first I stopped at Scientists Link Extinctions, Rising Temperatures. Then I went on to World Temperatures Keep Rising With a Hot 2005

This graph is a couple years old but still relevant, according this graph it appears to me that the overall temp really started to work it's way up starting around 1940. The next website I visited was NPR: Rising Temperatures, which shows how the coastlines in different parts of the world would change if the polar ice caps melted. From there I went to Rising temperatures threaten West's forests which talks about trees dying at a faster rate due to the rising temperatures.

The point of this Share and Voice is that there is just so much info out there and the information is pretty easy to find. We all just have to pay attention and make a difference not only as individuals but as a group and a society.


  1. You are right...there is a lot of information out there. I've noticed there are both reliable and unreliable sites. For example, someone posted yesterday about a Minnesota environmental organization related to global warming. When I visited the site, their "about" page was not linked, so that raised a red flag about their credibility. We always need to be thinking critically about what we read/hear. Great post!

  2. The sunrise over Lake Superior is my favorite scene in the morning on my way to work and with half of the frozen lake and snow that surrounds it, is spectacular. This past weekend I had gone down to the cities, and the scene there is SO different. No snow, warm temps and everything looks dirty... It's kind of sad that it's only February and there are such drastic differences between here and there.

  3. Good post! It is very true..there is tons of information out there that we don't even realize or think to look at! It's sad to think that these temperature effect animals and will start killing off the trees that we need to survive!


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