I am going to start with the revelation I just had! Although I have been away from school for quite a while (15 years)and have now come back full time with a group of people of which I didn't know anybody, it was nice to come back and see familiar & friendly faces again after the semester break. OK, enough mushy stuff, lets get on with this reflection.
Week 1: Dr. V made a very good point the second class with her rope planet demonstration, in my view, her point was that. 1.They ain't makin' no more land, in fact we are just adding more people to the land we have. 2. If we all are going to live here on this planet and still have a planet for our kids and grand kids we need to find a way to work together to make it last. That's what I took from week one, at least from an environmental standpoint.
Week 2: BLOG, BLOG, BLOG, how can one fairly simple task take up so much of my time!! I have to admit it is kinda fun and the end product is cool, the blogs also make for a good place for us to have a forum to communicate. I have learned a lot about blogging and its seemingly endless amount of tools and gadgets. The other thing that I have found interesting is seeing the rest of the blogs and their creaters personalities show through.
Keep it Green!!
Reflections:Week 15 & 16
15 years ago